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Job Seeker News

Success Story Jakub

Published on Thursday, 23 November 2023

Jakub's Success Story

Jakub was referred to our Employment and Skills Team in August 2023 because he wanted to find full-time work.

During our first meeting, Jakub shared with us his previous work experience and his career aspirations. His adviser established that he enjoyed working in a team. To better Jakub’s chances of securing a full-time job, we recommended various training opportunities, including our Digital Hub and employability training sessions.

Jakub was prepared to consider a variety of roles within different industry sectors.  We worked with him to prepare a CV and searched for suitable local job vacancies.

Jakub was keen to apply for the roles we had informed him about.   He was invited for an interview with Veolia and we helped him to prepare for the interview.  

Despite stiff competition, Jakub was offered a role with the street cleaning team at Veolia. He was so happy that he sent us a message to thank us. “Just wanted to say thank you for helping me get the job. My team are very welcoming and supportive!” He was grateful that he could find work locally and contribute to his community.

Jakub’s supervisor, Lewis shared: “Jakub has settled into life at Veolia very well. He has shown an outstanding work ethic and understanding of his role. He works brilliantly in a team and has an incredible enthusiasm towards learning and accepting new challenges. We look forward to seeing his progression at Veolia.”

We are so proud of what Jakub has achieved and know that he has become a valuable team member for Veolia.


If you are out of work and looking for employment support, please contact us with  0121 704 6869 or email srtc@solihull.gov.uk.


Jakub’s story shows how with our support, employers can connect with the local community to fulfil their recruitment needs.  If you are a local employer who would like to learn about the recruitment support on offer, please email our Employer Engagement Team  employerengagementteam@solihull.gov.uk.

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