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In 2014 a group of school leaders in Solihull began working on a project with an emphasis on employability skills and transition – this became known as ‘Life Ready’. Nationally in recent years the focus for careers education has been within secondary schools and colleges; with Solihull part of the Careers & Enterprise Company Enterprise Adviser Network, helping to support schools to achieve the eight Gatsby Foundation ‘Good Career Guidance’ Benchmarks.

However, in Solihull a group of local Headteachers came together and with the support of colleagues from the Employment & Skills Team at Solihull Council have also been developing a ‘Life Ready’ programme for our Primary schools.  To help raise awareness of potential career paths, tackle gender career stereotypes and develop transferable skills through interactions with the world of work.


Over the last few years this has involved:

Nationally, the Careers & Enterprise Company received a 'Primary Fund' from the Department for Education in 2019 to scale existing programmes, develop new programmes and to produce a primary toolkit.  Three of the 15 funded providers worked with primary schools in Solihull through this fund during the 2019/20 academic year:

  1. Gro-organic
  2. Education & Employers through their 'Primary Futures' programme
  3. Skills Builder Partnership

You can read the Primary Fund Evaluation report here.  

Solihull is also sharing best practice from the work we have been developing over the last few years with the Careers & Enterprise Company to help shape the future of primary careers education at a national level.  To find out more about the national programme visit: https://primary-careers.careersandenterprise.co.uk/introduction

Presentations from the termly Solihull Life Ready Primary Network meetings:


In 2018, the Careers & Enterprise Company published a report identifying six key lessons of practice for career-related learning at primary level.  They are:

  1. Involve employers and parents
  2. Start early
  3. Ensure activities are relevant to age group
  4. Embed into the curriculum
  5. Embed in a whole school approach
  6. Open to all

These six lessons of practice should be considered when planning a Primary Careers Related Learning strategy. 


If you are a local primary school and you are not currently signed up to the Life Ready programme please contact: lifeready@solihull.gov.uk and someone will be in touch to follow up your enquiry.   



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